This section is dedicated to the list of supplements often prescribed to a Lyme patient. Medical and FDA Disclaimers Below.
Pain, Anti-inflammation, and circulation
Neurological / Ticking
Gut Support
Lymphatic Support
Urinary / Reproductive Organ Health
Brain Fog
Pain, Anti-inflammation, and/or Circulation
(Arranged alphabetically. These supplements combat pain by way of anti-inflammatory properties, or circulatory properties, or both)
(Astragalus membranaceus) For inflammation, immune support, gut support, colds, blood pressure, and stress.
Bone Set:
(Ague-weed) For inflammation, joint pain, and cold symptoms.
Cat’s Claw:
For inflammatory, joint, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal support and immune system support, AND it aids in the bodies ability to fight microorganisms at the cellular level too.
Cod Liver Oil, Krill Oil, Omega Oils:
For inflammation, mood, kidney function, hormone levels
Helps protect the breakdown of cartilage; most especially due to inflammation
fungi, for inflammation, fighting infection (free radicals), stress and energy.
For anti-inflammation and the immune system
Japanese Knotweed / Resverstrol:
found in grapes, grape leaves, red wine. One of the top substances recommended for Lyme patients, not just an anti-inflammatory, but a inflammation regulator
Lipoic Acid:
For nuropathy, energy, pain, antioxidant. It’s a fatty acid found in yeast, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, and organ meats (liver kidney)
(mollified citrus pectin) For inflammation, detoxification
Neurological / Ticking
Passion Flower:
For mood, circulatory aid.
Disclaimer: Please research side effects if you are taking anything else for circulation or depression.
Study on Passion Flower for anxiety:
antioxidant for anxiety, nervous conditions, and convulsions.
Information on skullcap from the University of MD:
LDN, Low Dose Naltrexon:
NOT A HOLISTIC SUPPLEMENT! Therefore, here is an explanation as to why is is added to this list: Simply put, this drug is given in substantial doses to assist addicts in recovery as an inhibitor. It’s a strong opioid antagonist. In very LOW DOSES, it helps the body produce it’s OWN endorphin’s in the brain and adrenal glands, in-effect relieving pain, AND it can also assist in mood. Prescribed for neurological symptoms for a host of diseases.
More information on LDN:
Gut Support
For gut healing
Milk Thistle:
For liver support
Acetylcystein: N-Acetyl L-Cysteine
For gut health. Protects the liver from toxicity.
for the gut, increasing white blood count in the sick. It’s a temperamental algae. Take the time to find a quality source. Chlorella includes amino acids, vitamins, pep-tides, proteins, sugars, and nucleic acids.
enzyme for the gut, most especially to do with the pancreas.
- check out more information on gut health in our GI Track Function section of the website.
- check out more information on cleanses in Products- Cleanses.
Lymphatic Support
“Lymphatic system: The tissues and organs, including the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes, that produce and store cells that fight infection and disease. The channels that carry lymph are also part of this system.”
Red Root:
For lymphatic support
Urinary / Reproductive Organ Health
Saw Palmetto:
for bladder, urinary, and reproductive health. Also good for menstrual problems, pelvic inflammatory disease, and it’s a nerve sedative.
Valerian Root:
For relaxation, muscles and mood
St John’s Wart:
For relaxation, anxiety, mood
check out more information on mood supplements in our Depression area of the website.
Fatigue / Energy
Meyer’s Cocktail:
An IV treatment that lasts about 30 minutes. The treatment includes energy boosters and inflammation reducers including Vitamin C and a couple B Vitamins. Know to help issues like asthma, arthritis and Lyme patients, but it’s been used by any number of energy depleted patients.
More information:
Check out more information on vitamins, especially the B’s in Lyme- Vitamins
Brain Fog
For brain “Fog” / concentration, bark extractsuggested; 10 drops in 4oz glass of water 4x / day
ACN Neuro:
for memory and cognitive function. List of ingredients includes Ginseng, Sage, Ginkgo biloba and many more. It’ s a spray that you spritz in your mouth, swish and swallow.
More information on researching and purchasing the products within this website:
About- Tips on Purchasing Your Items
Medical and FDA Disclaimers:
Medical Disclaimer:
Common Sense dictates that the following is now added: Please note that recommended reading and its practicum, product information, physical therapies, and any and all advice presented in this collection is intended for the convenience of the reader. For advice on medical issues you should always consult your local medical practitioner.
FDA Disclaimer:
The products and their practicum shown on this website or discussed in our communications have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified physician.