This section is dedicated to getting rid of the chemicals in your home. There are many many websites on this already. As per our purpose of simplifying matters for the pain community, we will be attempting to do that here. What we are going to try to do is create a simplified collection of holistic home products. This will include products, a couple of housekeeping recipes, and quality resources. THIS IS NOT ADVICE FROM A DOCTOR, keep these things away from children, and Medical and FDA Disclaimers Below as usual.


Personal Hygiene
First Aid
Colds and Stomach aches
Bug Repellents


How to make a tincture:

Personal Hygiene:

Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Deodorant, Toothpaste,

baking soda, cornstarch, lemons, castile soap, salt, coconut oil, caster oil, canola oil, glycerin, butter milk, oatmeal, Dr. Bronner Bar soap, hydrogen peroxide,

Essential Oils: (these all have different benefits of course! 🙂 )
tea tree, lavender, lemon, pine, rosemary, or ylang-ylang, cedar wood, clary sage, chamomile, lavender, sweet basil, grapefruit, marigold, passionflower, or sweet clover

Deodorant: 1/2 cornstarch, 1/2 baking soda lightly patted underarms.

Body Soap recipe:
⅔ cup coconut oil – to produce good lather
⅔ cup olive oil – which makes a hard and mild bar
⅔ cup other liquid oil – like almond oil, grapeseed, sunflower or safflower oil
¼ cup lye – also called 100% sodium hydroxide
¾ cup cool water – use distilled or purified
-DIY Soap Recipes –

Nerdy Farm Wife: (Oatmeal soap recipe, but lots of other recipes too!)

The Old Farmer’s Almanac recipes for homemade toiletries: Soaps, Shampoos and more:

Looking for more on organic or natural products? Goggle your specific query. For example, “organic / natural hair color, nail polish, make-up, deodorant, shampoo etc etc….. ” There are lots of natural products now. Please look for up-to-date research. Things/opinions tend to change in this area especially. For example, baby powder is no longer on the list of recommended products.



General Cleaning, Windows, Laundry, Dishes, Deep Cleaning

What to buy:

Reusable Items: rags, empty spray bottles, air-tight containers of various sizes,

Products: vinegar, baking soda, Borax, kosher salt, lemons,

Products (if you really get into it): melamine cloths, microfiber cloths, Dr. Bronner Bar soap, Sal Suds,

Essential Oils:

(known to have disinfectant properties) lemon, lavender, frankincense, tea tree,

Basic Cleaner: 2 liters of water, 1/2 vinegar, 1/4 c baking soda

Nice Collection of Recipes for Cleaning House from Earth Easy:

Laundry Soap Recipe:


First Aid:

Cuts, Bruises, Swelling,

Epsom Salt, Aloe Vera, Hydrogen Peroxide, Activated Charcoal, Ginger, Slippery Elm, Baking Soda, Witch Hazel, Probiotics, Coconut Oil

Essential Oils:
Chamomile, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus

Examples: (check out our recommended reading to learn more about how these products work)
Witch Hazel; cuts scrapes, hemorrhoids
Ginger; nausea
Epsom Salt; bruises, sore muscles
Apple Cider Vinegar; indigestion

Wellness Mama:

Note: The Wellness Mama site above is a nice overview of basic holistic remedies for minor cuts and bruises and the like. First Aid can be scary. We suggest you start slowly; familiarize yourself with the basics. Do some reading. Check out our section on Holistic Recommended Reading for more books on medicinal holistics. Medical Disclaimer Below.


Colds and Stomach aches:

Colds, Cough, Diarrhea, Constipation,

Probiotics, Neti Pot, Honey, Ginger, Vitamins (C, D, B health and energy vitamins), apple cider vinegar, Alka Seltzer, garlic, charcoal, yogurt, flax seed,

Essential Oils:
Eucalyptus Oil

Mind Body Green; Common Cold Remedies:

Mind Body Green; digestive issues:

NOTE: We suggest you start slowly; familiarize yourself with the basics. Do some reading. Check out our section on Holistic Recommended Reading for more books on medicinal holistics. Medical Disclaimer Below.


Bug Repellents:

Essential Oils:
Citronella, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Geranium, Basil, peppermint, thieves, witch hazel, tea tree oil (for the itch, if you get bit)
Notes: Check your recipe for suggestions on how often to reapply. Tuck your pants into your socks, and tuck in your shirt. For more information on tick repellents check Lyme- Resources- Not Getting Bit Again.

Bug spray: 2 cups of water in a little spray bottle, 20 drops of citronella, 10 drops eucalyptus, 5 drops of lemon

Great article on what homeopathic repellent for which bug:



More information on researching and purchasing the products within this website:
Purchasing FAQs

Medical and FDA Disclaimers:

Medical Disclaimer:
Common Sense dictates that the following is now added: Please note that recommended reading and its practicum, product information, physical therapies, and any and all advice presented in this collection is intended for the convenience of the reader. For advice on medical issues you should always consult your local medical practitioner.

FDA Disclaimer:
The products and their practicum shown on this website or discussed in our communications have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified physician.

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